DAIS Classroom Presentation

Healthy Relationships, Bodily Autonomy, and Consent for Elementary School

This workshop is for elementary aged youth. In this workshop, students discuss healthy relationships with friends, how to ask for permission before touching others, how to say “no” when someone makes us uncomfortable, and that your body is only yours. This workshop begins to lay the foundations for healthy relationships in the future.



Healthy Relationships for Middle School

This workshop utilizes the energy and enthusiasm of middle schoolers and actively engages them in a discussion of healthy relationships. Students learn about characteristics of a healthy relationship as well as practice having conversations about boundaries and practice identifying red flags for an unhealthy partner.



Teen Dating Violence for Middle and High School

Teen Dating Violence (TDV) is designed to teach young people how to identify the differences between healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationships. They will also learn about the prevalence of TDV, warning signs, how to help a peer who is in an abusive relationship, how to help a peer who is being abusive, how to plan for safety if you are in an abusive relationship. Students are actively engaged with scenarios, videos, small group discussions, and other activities designed to reach all learners.

    • Healthy Relationships for High School: This workshop is intended as a follow-up to Teen Dating Violence focusing on building skills to form healthy relationships throughout high school and beyond. Participants learn about communication styles, setting boundaries, outlining our own “deal breakers”, consent, trust and respect.
    • Root Causes of Teen Dating Violence: This goal of this workshop is for students to examine the societal and cultural factors that cause Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Teen Dating Violence (TDV). This workshop is intended as a follow up to Teen Dating Violence. Students learn about gender socialization, the harm of rigid gender stereotypes, the influence of media, rape culture, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia.


Intimate Partner Violence in College

A workshop for those who are currently in college or those who work with college-aged youth. Participants examine the unique tactics of power and control in college, barriers that college students face trying to leave a relationship, the prevalence on college campuses, how to support and help a peer, how to address an abusive friend, and where to access resources.



Bystander Intervention for High School

This workshop is intended as another follow up to Teen Dating Violence. Many student’s express frustration when they see and hear things in their school and communities that they know are not okay, but they do not know how to respond. This workshop is designed to help teens figure out when to intervene and provides skill-building and role-play practice with concrete active bystander techniques.

Requesting a DAIS Speaker:


To request a speaker or trainer, email DAIS at outreach@abuseintervention.org


We ask that you schedule at least one month prior to your event date. We do our best to accommodate all requests, but please note our ability to confirm your request depends on staff ability.


Once we receive your email, you will be asked to fill out a Community Awareness and Prevention Education (CAPE) Interest Form that will help us tailor your presentation to best fit the needs of your group.